Вестник Северного (Арктического) федерального университета. Гуманитарные и социальные науки. №4 2018. С.102-111.

СThe article is devoted to the phenomena of social media from philosophical-axiological and existential analysis. The social media is considered as one of the characteristic phenomena of electronic culture. The article systematizes the typical characteristics and trends development of social media. Much attention is given to the classification and analysis of the predominant types that characterize the communication and the activity of actors in social media (aesthetic-hedonistic; ethical, gaming, narcissistic, consumeristic, professional and business, provoking). Based on the analytical data revealed the basic antinomies that characterize modern social media: self-organization and indirect governance; democratization and destabilization of the social system; the strengthening and weakening of social cooperation and communication, etc. Social media is presented as a form of transcendence of human in the modern socio-cultural and information environment to promote interaction with Others, gaining meanings and values. In today’s world social media is associated with certain antinomies between objectification and transcendence of the person, its dissolution in an anonymous and ephemeral communication and the desire to dialogue with Others. Among the features of sociality in the modern media a dominant role is played not cooperation and exchange of knowledge and recreation, consumption and communication as the terminal value.

Keywords: social media, social network, e-culture, antinomy, transcendence, communication